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Wellness Action Recovery provides solutions through ACTION.


We pair people with community resources, trainings, relative events, and help place healthy coping skills in their mental health toolbox to get on and stay on the road to recovery. 


Get involved with us today!

You're NOT Alone

Mission Statement

Wellness Action Recovery is a non-profit that provides solutions through ACTION. We pair people with community resources, FREE QPR (Question Persuade Refer) Suicide Prevention Training, and mental health events, to help them and encourage them to find good healthy coping skills to get on and stay on the road of wellness.  Education is key to stopping suicide and STOMPING out the negative stigma that surrounds mental health and suicide. 
By putting in the work DAILY, RECOVERY is possible!

"Thank you for your support and all the good you are putting into the world." 

Kym Hilinski
Hilinski Foundation

"You are so vital for our community!"

Jennifer Roberts

Former Mayor of Charlotte

"Thanks for teaching us and sharing your knowledge and personal experiences about the warning signs of a Suicidal individual.


Thank you also for trying to make this world a better place."

Dr. Willena Rembert


Not Vanity

A mental wellness event through exercise, education and resources. 

Mental health isn't just about taking medication or going to therapy for mental wellness.  Exercise is another great way to keep our mental health in check.  

Community Involvement

The Wellness Action Recovery team is heavily involved in the local community through events, classes, seminars, and so much more. 


Taking care of yourself first is vital to your mental health. We advocate the importance of self-care and always encourage our clients to do so. 


Staying active whether through exercise or an enjoyable hobby is vital to keeping up with your mental wellness. 

Through Wellness Action Recovery classes, we help our clients find enjoyable activities to keep their minds active and not idle. 

Putting in
the Work

Our motto isn't "faith without works is dead" for no reason. Wellness Action Recovery puts in the necessary work in the community to raise awareness about mental health and save lives. 

Suicide Prevention 

Our main priority is to raise awareness and prevent suicide. Knowing and teaching the suicidal signs as well as being an advocate for suicidal clients.

Free QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) Training

In two hours, you can learn how to recognize someone suicidal or in a crisis, talk and listen in a nonjudgmental way and help them to get the help they need all while remaining positive. You’ll also learn about the language around suicide that keeps the stigma going, what to say and not to say, and how culture matters when it comes to mental health and suicide prevention.  


Once you finish the training, you receive a certificate that lasts for three years, yet the training lasts a lifetime.  You also get a QPR booklet in PDF form.  The training is upbeat, positive, provides HOPE but most of all trains you how to save a life. 


This free training is held one Saturday a month by Certified QPR Suicide Prevention Instructor Fonda Bryant. For more information, please email

Faith without works is dead. 
James 2:26



Your generous donations will help Wellness Action Recovery continue to help adults and youth on their path to mental wellness through Sanity Not Vanity local events, QPR training, education, supplies, activities and speaking engagements.

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(704) 807-3267




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